No Catchy Title
Well...thanks to a surprise, last-minute entry from somebody named's my weekly entry.
Honestly, nothing exciting has happened this week. We had mid-terms at school Wednesday-Friday, so I didn't teach much this week. I read two and a half books...and that's about as eventful as things got. Contrary to popular belief...being in another country doesn't mean endless excitement.
In good news, I weighed in last night at 71.9 Kg...just short of my 72 Kg sub-goal for June 1st. So...I think I might make it. I'm sure you're all giggling with excitement, right? about 10 minutes, we're headed off to the train station to catch a 2 1/2-hour bus ride to Hita. There's some kind of festival going on tonight, and we somehow had connections with somebody who's connected to someone who knows a guy that got us a pretty cool vantage point for the whole thing. We'll be hanging out on a hotel balcony or something with a bunch of other foreigners, watching fireworks go BOOM and POP and FIZZLE over the river. We're pretty excited. (I guess I have to rescind my earlier statement about living in another country not meaning endless excitement...I guess it actually does. My mistake!)
We didn't have anything to take pictures of this week, so I'll just snap a quick one with my webcam. I made it sepia tone to add just a touch of class. You can thank me later.
By the way...that cute girl there in that photo...that's Neil.
More to come.