some nights i have trouble sleeping. when that happens, i just pretend i'm at work, and...voila! problem solved.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Waiting For Man-Yi

If you haven't heard...which you probably haven't...there's a typhoon a-comin' And this one actually has me a little nervous. One of my teachers yesterday kept asking me if I was scared...and I really wasn't until she asked me for the fourth time. I guess it's killed a few people on its way through Okinawa and it should be in Oita by this evening. Which is a bummer...'cause it's a 3-day weekend and it's being spoiled by a silly, little tropical storm. Ready for the irony? The reason for the 3-day weekend...Marine Day.

You can track its progress here: Japan Meteorological Agency

Now, I know you're all worried, so in order to help you think happy thoughts, here's a picture I took of some rice fields on the way home from work last week.

We'll let you know how it turns out.